How Practicing Gratitude Makes You Happier

See how taking time to focus on the good things in life helps you to see everything in a more positive light. Gratefulness increases optimism and strengthens your ability to shift your focus away from the negatives in life. By focusing on the good, more good comes!

Artwork by Olga Semkło

The word gratitude and the practice of being grateful is thrown around a lot lately. It is a popular technique in the world of health and well-being, commonly associated with good vibes and a positive mentality. And while that’s all well and good, if you don’t know the positive health outcomes associated with a gratitude practice, well, you’re missing out! Read on for all the details on how practicing gratitude makes you a happier, healthier, more nourished human being.

Practicing Gratitude is Different for Everyone

There are many ways to practice gratitude, from physically expressing appreciation for someone or something to being grateful for your physical health, relationships, personality traits, nature, and more. You can be grateful for past experiences and positive memories, have general feelings of thankfulness for the present moment in time, and even for the future when it comes to having a positive outlook and hopeful attitude towards it. Regardless of what it is that you’re grateful for or how you practice gratitude, acknowledging these feelings can help you see and feel the goodness of what you have in life. Gratitude helps you feel more positive, take pleasure in enjoyable experiences and situations, foster strong, healthy relationships with others, alleviate stress and even increase your ability to handle adversity and the challenges of life.

Gratitude Increases Positive Feelings

Taking the time to focus on the good things in life helps you to see everything in a more positive light. Gratefulness increases optimism and strengthens your ability to shift your focus away from the negatives in life. By focusing on the good, more good comes!

Gratitude Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Concentrating on the things that you are grateful for and that bring you joy is a natural way to relieve stress. As you cultivate your gratitude practice, you will find yourself more centered and more likely to handle the adversity of life with both grace and emotional resilience.

Gratitude Helps you Sleep

You know those worrying feelings that keep you up at night? Yep, gratefulness can help alleviate those feelings and worries to help you get to sleep! Taking the time before bed to reflect on the positive aspects of your day as well as things you’re grateful for can help clear your mind, relax your body and ready yourself for sleep.

Gratitude Makes you Happier!

It’s all been leading up to this! Gratitude actually increases your feelings of happiness and well-being. By acknowledging all of the great things that occur in your life each day you allow yourself to soak up all the positive emotions and feelings associated with being grateful. Focusing on your appreciation for what you have in life and the experiences and situations that occur helps you to increase feelings of self-esteem and self worth. You’ll enjoy the benefits of a boosted mood, feelings of abundance and the ability to take pleasure in the present moment.

At the end of the day it doesn’t matter how you practice gratitude or even what specific things that you are grateful for, simply acknowledging and focusing on these feelings help you lead a happier, more positive, more fulfilled and even more abundant life.

Try our digital SMS-based gratitude journal today!

Each morning and evening you will receive a text asking what you're grateful for. You then simply reply to the text (as if you're texting a friend), and your gratitude entry gets securely stored in your account to access forever.

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